Methachlor Eye Drops Price and Uses
Methachlor Eye Drops Uses & Price in Pakistan


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Methachlor Eye Drops Uses & Price in Pakistan


  • Methachlor 5ml Eye Drops are used for the treatment of inflammation of the eye.
  • This eye drop helps relieve symptoms like redness, swelling, and itching.
  • Methachlor 5ml Drops are used in certain types of eye conditions.


Methachlor 5ml Drops are an excellent medication for treating eye irritation, redness, edema, and itching. The active components in this drug are dexamethasone sodium phosphate and chloramphenicol.

Methachlor 5ml Drops’ first component is a glucocorticoid. This medication serves to reduce inflammation in the eye.

Methachlor 5ml’s second component, chloramphenicol, is an antibiotic. This one works by eliminating microorganisms that cause illnesses.

How does It work?

Its active ingredients include the antibiotic chloramphenicol and the corticosteroid dexamethasone. Chloramphenicol prevents the growth and proliferation of bacteria that cause frequent illnesses in humans. Dexamethasone has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

Methachlor Eye Drops Uses

Dexamphenicol is suggested for the treatment of eye inflammations where corticosteroids are appropriate, as well as where there is an existing infection or a risk of infection caused by bacteria susceptible to chloramphenicol activity.

What are the side effects of Methachlor Eye Drops?

Every product with an active ingredient has side effects; however, they are rare.

Some common side effects of Methachlor 5ml:

  • Blurred eyes

Some severe side effects:

  • Decreased vision
  • Eye infection
  • Eye pain
  • Loss of vision



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